Our Services

We offer a broad selection of exchanges and language courses for learners to attend with a huge variety of outcomes and objectives. Many of our programmes focus on developing speaking, writing, and listening skills but some also offer professional skills.

As a former Erasmus Plus accredited EVS centre, we are still involved with international students. We are now looking into getting involved with the TAITH programmes which have replaced Erasmus within Wales. This could be do provide a variety of skills for both Welsh and European participants and candidates.

We’ve taken many candidates in from across Europe including from countries such as Turkey, Spain, France, Italy, Poland and more. If you’re an international organisation looking for a UK base to send your candidates to for English or for internship/professionalism opportunities then please contact us through admin@languageacademywales.co.uk.

Our professional services can support young people to become the next best variant of themselves. We’ve helped many candidates to learn how to work within a variety of environments, and to gain professional skills to set them up for life. Many of our former candidates have gone on to become high flyers within private and public sector organisations.

Our support services is offered to all international students. For more information Click Here.

If you have any questions about any our our programmes or exchanges then please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 029 20 198 710 or by using the Contact us page.

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