e2MP is a Strategic Partnership for youth, two year Erasmus + financed project. It was launched the 20th of May this year in Roubaix, France. The meeting was organised by the coordinator of the project, Adice – Centre d’information Europe Direct Roubaix gathering its partners from Wales (Career Change Wales – Training Academy), Italy (CESIE), Poland (Europejskie Forum Młodzieży) and France, (Sophie Delebarre).
The second transnational meeting was hosted in Cardiff, the 10th – 11th of September by CCW Training Organisation.
The meeting focused on the first intellectual output: ‘The European Mobility Project Management Online Training’. The course is designed to help managers working with youth, and especially with young people with fewer opportunities, to better understand Erasmus + functioning and mobility projects. It also provides them with information regarding the pedagogical process for the preparation, hosting and evaluation of the participants before, during and after taking part in a project. The learners will also be trained how to choose a good partner and on how to develop a local, regional, national and international network.
The course is mainly created by youth workers and managers with more than ten year experience in the field.
The online training will be based on interactive theoretical information helping the learners to better integrate new skills, methods and tools.
Finally the youth manager will be evaluated and certified by the project.
The next meeting will be hosted by Cesie in 26th & 27th of May 2016.